The Chickadees, Honey-Dos and Do-Dads

Grand Officers 1973

Session Name: Keep a Song in Your Heart
October 15-18, 1973 Guthrie, Oklahoma

Billie Baker
Worthy Grand Matron
Ray Baker
Grand Escort
Charles Harpool
Worthy Grand Patron
Jackie Hufhines
Grand Escort
Bobbie Dillahunty
Associate Grand Matron
Hugh Dillahunty
Grand Escort
Travis Goggans
Associate Grand Patron
Barbara Goggans
Grand Escort
Nona Belle Johnson
Grand Secretary
Bessie Lee Mikles
Grand Treasurer
Henry Mikles
Grand Escort
Mayme Ann Adams
Grand Conductress
Charles "Pete" Adams
Grand Escort
Lola Lane
Associate Grand Conductress
Emory Lane
Grand Escort
Lena Swalley
Grand Chaplain
Fred Swalley
Grand Escort
Gladys Buck
Grand Lecturer
A. D. Buck
Grand Escort
Uvonne McClelland
Grand Marshal
Richard McClelland (WGP 69)
Grand Escort
Margaret Lester (Grand Secretary Emeritus)
Grand Organist
Loucile Lawter (WGM 78)
Grand Adah
Hampton Lawter
Grand Escort
Maxine Ginn
Grand Ruth
James Ginn
Grand Escort
Lillian Butler
Grand Esther
Wertal Butler
Grand Escort
Jewell Vaughan
Grand Martha
Vestal Vaughan
Grand Escort
Mary Fasken
Grand Electa
Kenneth Fasken
Grand Escort
Beulah Deatherage
Grand Warder
Luther Deatherage
Grand Escort
John Marshall
Grand Sentinel
Cyntha Marshall
Grand Escort
Oklahoma Eastern Star