The Pearls and Precious Gems Grand Officers 1980 Session Name: The Forget-Me-Not Previous Year Past Grand Officer Menu Next Year Loucile Lawter Matron Emery ToliverWorthy Grand Patron Lea CourtneyAssociate Grand Matron Leo E. NelsonAssociate Grand Patron Margaret LesterGrand Secretary Bessie Lee MiklesGrand Treasurer Mary McCainGrand Conductress Betty FisherAssociate Grand Conductress Louis CornelisonGrand Chaplain Alice BrewerGrand Lecturer Nova SchutkestingGrand Marshal Geraldine Van AttaGrand Organist Rosa Lew MyersGrand Adah Esther McInnisGrand Ruth Maxine JohnsonGrand Esther Betty DavisGrand Martha Maxine PolstonGrand Electa Cleo DavisGrand Warder Roy D. ShonkGrand Sentinel