The Tribe of 84

Grand Officers 1984

Session Name: The Council Fires

Barbara Benton
Worthy Grand Matron
Tom Benton
Grand Escort
Eugene H. Schutkesting
Worthy Grand Patron
Nova Schutkesting
Grand Escort
Myra Lyle
Assoc. Grand Matron
Charles Lyle
Grand Escort
Joe Blair
Assoc. Grand Patron
Marie Blair
Grand Escort
Margaret Lester
Grand Secretary
Peggy Niehofff
Grand Treasurer
George Niehoff
Grand Escort
Bess Murphy
Grand Conductress
Pat Murphy
Grand Escort
Veda Belle Nowlin
Assoc. Grand Conductress
Leona Moody
Grand Chaplain
Marjorie L. Avers
Grand Lecturer
Buddy Avers
Grand Escort
Betty Bemusdaffer
Grand Marshal
Eunice Lawter
Grand Organist
W.W. Lawter
Grand Escort
Margie McConnell
Grand Adah
Warren McConnell
Grand Escort
Janice Rolinaitis
Grand Ruth
Artell Carmichael
Grand Esther
John Carmichael
Grand Escort
Linda Nichols
Grand Martha
Juanita Hummell
Grand Electa
Lewis Hummel
Grand Escort
Cleo Stagner
Grand Warder
Vernon Stagner
Grand Escort
Bob C. Graham
Grand Sentinel
Charlotte Graham
Grand Escort
Oklahoma Eastern Star