The Heart and Keys

Grand Officers 1987

Session Name: Silver Bells of Love

Veda Belle Nowlin
Worthy Grand Matron
Louis E. Duggan
Worthy Grand Patron
Billie Hanna
Assoc. Grand Matron
Gene Griffith
Assoc. Grand Patron
Margaret Lester
Grand Secretary
Peggy Niehofff
Grand Treasurer
Jean Estep
Grand Conductress
Margie McConnell
Assoc. Grand Conductress
Warren McConnell
Grand Escort
Wanda Kimbrell
Grand Chaplain
Bill Kimbrell
Grand Escort
Peggy Philpot
Grand Lecturer
O.B. Philpot
Grand Escort
Elanor Patton
Grand Marshal
LaNelle Lashbrook
Grand Organist
Verna Rae Hairford
Grand Adah
Jodean Chestunt
Grand Ruth
Jeanne Harris
Grand Esther
Louis Berry
Grand Martha
Grace Gamble
Grand Electa
Frances Hines
Grand Warder
Albert W. Tindle, Jr.
Grand Sentinel
Oklahoma Eastern Star